On Life and Death


A few months ago this plant was in shambles. I, a neglectful “plant mom”, hadn’t paid it enough attention, and it looked like a pot full of dead leaves. I collected it’s siblings and took them to one of my offices where they would receive more care, and I left this guy in a room in my house that I rarely enter.

One day as I entered this room, I noticed a large, proud leaf reaching towards the window in the room: I had to do a double-take. This plant was indeed alive! I cleared out the dead leaves and took it to a place where it would get more attention. This is the plant today- growing and thriving, with new leaves coming in each week.

How often have you been this plant- seemingly in shambles, but with new life just below the surface? It can be hard to look beyond what looks like (or is) death. I’m walking through @brenebrown #RisingStrong curriculum with a few #brave individuals, and last week we discussed #grief and #forgiveness. The overall theme is that often, something has to die so that something new can grow and form. It’s a hard, painful truth, but offers the promise of new life.

Is there something that you need to let die? Clear away the dead leaves so that you can make room for new life.

~Dr. Stanley


Hi all-

I’ve been spending some time over the past several months thinking about how I want to execute Daring in the District and Daring Entrepreneurs. In the past I’ve tended to get really excited about a new idea just to abandon it when it didn’t happen quickly or if it didn’t immediately manifest in the way that I had envisioned. Participating in The Daring Way™ training last year highlighted, among other things, my struggles with impatience and a scarcity mindset.

In case you are not familiar with Dr. Brené Brown, she is a trained social worker who has been researching vulnerability and shame for 15+ years. She utilizes grounded theory methods in her research; this involves conducting interviews with people, analyzing the data, and formulating a theory based on convergence in the data. Over the years she has interviewed thousands of individuals and experts in various fields and has studied the existing literature on the subjects she researches. She talks about having to revisit the data again and again until it made sense and could be developed into a cohesive theory. As I learned more about her and her process I greatly admired her patience, and decided that I too could take my time in creating something that I believe in, and that the place and time in which it manifested would be right.

What’s also notable is that Dr. Brown is not the first person to study many of the concepts for which she is most famous: vulnerability, shame, self-compassion, forgiveness, and mindfulness have all been researched before. She was not put off by the idea of scarcity; she believed that she had something new to contribute to the existing body of knowledge, and she collaborated with many experts along the way. There are people already doing many of the things that I want to do, and in the past I might have been discouraged by this, but now I am confident that I will attract those who are interested in what I have to offer.

In a few days I’ll share more about my offerings and how to be kept in the loop about them. I’m looking forward to the future of Daring in the District and Daring Entrepreneurs.

~Dr. Stanley